Monday 26 November 2012

Oz Cat

So, you've met Charlie, now let me introduce you to Oscar.

This is Oz Cat doing his lip curling party trick.

Oscar is a pretty amazing cat. Like Charlie, he came here from an 'establishment' for medical research that bred cats for laboratories (Yes, you heard me right). When it closed down Oz and Charlie went to the RSPCA, and the humans that I look after fell in love with them and brought them home. 

It took a long time for Oz to get used to things like fresh air, birds, the freedom to run around and the feel of grass under his paws. Even now, he still gets a bit freaked out by things. Like the hoover. The hoover sent him crazy and I must admit that I did occasionally chase him (just a bit) when he ran away from it. However, he's conquered his fear of that now so hoovering time of a morning is a somewhat quieter affair.

Both he and Charlie are considerably older than me. I'm a six year old pup whereas they're both about 15 years old. We can't be sure because we don't know for definite how old they were when they came here. They've been here for 13 years now and they often put me in my place. If I'm honest, Oz is a bit scary sometimes with a powerful right hook. I know when to duck.

He's also a fearless partner in crime when the humans are out and we raid the kitchen bin. He can have that bin over in a heartbeat. He has the edge on me when disappearing though. I'm considerably larger and being almost white, I tend to stand out. I also can't get that guilty look off my face. 

So, that's Oz in a nutshell. ...bit of a joker,very cool, slightly stroppy, fearless with attitude. He's my other bestie and we have great times together. 

But on a cold,wet day like today, this is how you'll find us all. 

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