Thursday 22 August 2013

The Wrong Basket.

Honestly - isn't he a bit too big for this?

I prefer to stretch out but Oscar will lay anywhere. This is Charlie's basket. Tsssk..

Tuesday 20 August 2013

My New House.

So, I'm not going to beat about the bush, the last few weeks have been a bit odd and quite frankly I've been a bit stressed.

Basically I've been barking a lot.

It all started like this...everyone starts packing things away in boxes. I mean everything. The garage was completely empty. I mean- what's that all about? It's been full of 'stuff' ever since I've known it. Suddenly, it has to be cleared and they all spent lots of time looking through boxes that have been in there forever. Honestly - I felt a bit neglected.

Oscar and Charlie went off in their baskets to goodness knows where. Really a bit fed up now. Then one day, a big lorry turns up and two men came in and took all of our furniture and stuff away. Well I can tell you I barked at them all day. I was not a happy dog.

The next day I was squashed into the back of the car with more 'stuff' and had the longest journey I've ever had. We arrived at another house where the men took all of our things out of the lorry again and gave it to the new house. Well rest assured, I barked again - for the whole time.

Then they drove off and left us there.

Hmmm. So, now Charlie and Oscar are back and I must say, I'm not sure when we're going back home, but this house is really quite nice. I've got a great new garden to run around in and I get to bark at all the people who pass. Thing is, not that many people pass. There are lots of horses and quite a few tractors but I'm gradually getting used to them.

Anyway, the three of us are exploring the garden and I'll let you know how we get on.

The Intrepid Trio.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Eating a few things I shouldn't..

So, today I've eaten a few thing I probably shouldn't have....
I've snaffled a few sunflower seeds from the bird table - I couldn't resist.
Then I had a bit of a chew on an eraser that I found on the edge of the table. Half way through I realised it tasted pretty horrid but the bits I left on the floor gave me away.
I've been told off.
I'm having a bit of a sulk and I've got a bit of a tummy ache but I'm not letting on.

Saturday 23 February 2013

Poorly Oscar

Oscar has recently been very poorly and not at all in the mood for play.

He had to make a couple of trips to the vet which would have made him even grumpier as he does not like his travel basket. He also would have howled all the way there and back. Boy, for a cat, he can make quite some noise.

He's having to take medicine everyday and is on a special low fat diet (!) but I'm pleased to say that he's much, much better now and everyone is making a big fuss of him.

Hope it won't be long before he's ready to play again. In the meantime, I'm giving lots of cuddles.

Tuesday 29 January 2013


I'm finding that I'm having to work a little harder on my pleading face. It's an art really - pleading without being a nuisance (which sometimes leads to me being sent to my bed). You have to look just irresistible enough that they can't say no.

 This was tonight's attempt...

Finding this didn't work, I put my nose a bit closer..

Too much?


Thursday 24 January 2013

It's My Birthday!

So, today is my birthday and there is much excitement in the house!

The day started with an extra big breakfast. What a great start to the day! Then we all went out for a long walk in the snow.

I ran around a lot


Here I am doing super-fast running.

I peered through the gate to make sure all was well with the sheep...

It was.

Now I'm back home where I got a piece of toast without even asking.

I can't wait for the rest of the day. I wonder if there'll be more food?

I'm off for a little snooze. I love birthdays.


Sunday 20 January 2013


So, today has been GREAT.
In my corner of the UK we have had snow.

No1 - I love snow - it's so fluffy! (That is a quote from one of my favourite films).
No2 - Everyone came out for a long walk.
No3 - I had my first proper snowball fight - they threw snowballs at me and I ran at them full pelt..seems fair
No4 - On my return, I had leftovers from Sunday lunch. Result.

Today has been a good day :)

Here are some photos of me enjoying myself...

This is me trying to avoid a direct hit

Do I have something on my nose?


Saturday 12 January 2013

The New Iron

I do not like the sound of the new iron. I will bark continuously when it is used. That is all.


Just Snuggling

It's a rainy, cold kind of day.

Just snuggling..

Friday 11 January 2013

Dirty Dog

Today has been a good day. All started off well as far as my folks were concerned. Off we went for our walk as usual and I think I was looking pretty smart..

I did lots of smiling and running at full pelt..

I happened across a particularly satisfying area of orchard that turned out also to be a teensy bit muddy..

If I close my eyes they can't see me either

I'm going to get a bath aren't I?

Tuesday 1 January 2013

They've taken down the Christmas tree!

I was really getting to like the Christmas tree. I was a little worried at first and it took a while to get used to. I was also a bit put out that they put it near where my bed goes but I even got used to laying by it. Then they go and take it out again.

What's that all about then?
